Think of trapped emotions like a cluttered house. Sometimes you need to clean everything, but other times you want to tackle that one messy room first.

In an Emotion Code session, we can do either one. Here’s how it works.

Focusing Your Session

In any one session, we can work on up to three challenges. We stick to three maximum because, just like anything else you’re trying to do, if you try to work on 10 different things at once, you probably won’t see significant progress with any of them.

So while this might feel like a limitation, it’s actually setting the stage for meaningful change.

Your session doesn’t have to focus on specific challenges though. We can simply check for “the highest priority” trapped emotions your body needs to release.

Note: Working on challenges does not mean we’re dealing with “lower priority” releases! Your body always seeks to resolve its most urgent issues first. When we focus on challenges, we’re essentially asking your body to prioritize its high-priority releases “from this area, please.”

How the Process Works

Once I connect to you, here’s how we proceed:

  1. I ask: “Are there any trapped emotions we can release now causing any of these challenges?”
  2. If yes:
    • We proceed with the release process.
  3. If no:
    • I ask if there are any emotions we can release now, period.
    • Often, that gets us a “yes.”
    • After releasing that emotion, I check again about anything trapped causing your specific challenges.
    • About 50-70% of the time, I’ve seen the body then become ready to release trapped energy related to your list. (This is a practical example of your body’s prioritization at work.
  4. After identifying each trapped emotion:
    • I ask: “Which challenge is this particular trapped emotion related to?”
    • (While this step isn’t necessary, I do it to give you more insight into what’s happening.)

Understanding Your Results

By the end of your session, you might notice patterns. For instance, if you release multiple emotions mostly related to only one of your three challenges, it could mean:

  • this challenge is one of the primary things holding you back, or
  • these emotions are simply your highest priority releases right now and happen to connect to this particular issue.

If we find…

  • no trapped emotions related to one of your challenges, or
  • only a small percentage of emotions linked to a particular challenge

…it doesn’t mean these challenges are less important. It just means that in this particular session, this is what your body was ready to release.

The Bottom Line

Use your session insights to better understand what’s happening in your subconscious—but don’t overthink it. Try not to read too much into the patterns. Consider that whatever your initial sense is of what these things mean is probably right, especially if you consider yourself intuitive.

However, feel free to ask for my insights. Remember, we’re all made up of energy from one common source. As Rumi stated, “You are the ocean in a single drop.” My higher self is connected to yours (and everyone else’s in the universe).  So, I’m always happy to share the insights I’ve gotten from your session patterns.

Ready to work on your specific challenges? Schedule your SomaSoothe Session and request Emotion Code →