Welcome, Free Thinker. Want to send me a question, a celebration, or an update?

I love hearing from you. Use one of the two options in yellow.

Please read this entire page before starting your program.



★ Quick Q or Celebration: (Send SpeakPipe VM) ★ ★ Long/Complex Q or Celebration: Mail@EnergeticHarmony.NET
Dearest Transcender in Training:

As your first order of business, please check this welcome video for info on:

  1. the pre-work (what it is, why, and submitting it)
  2. scheduling your next session each week
  3. importance of the “rest week
  4. how to contact me during your workshop

Once you’ve watched it, please proceed below for your Healing Goal-Crushing Calendar. ♥

– Harmony

Welcome Video & Preliminary Info

I’ve created a calendar to help you keep track of your “healing homework,” and this video explains it. (Sorry my head is chopped off. Very strange!)

This is separate from the weekly pre-work that must be done prior to our session.

The Healing Homework is super-simple, and not really “work” at all.

It’s just a visual reminder of when and on what days to re-ground and do the body-based healing tools you’ll learn as we go along. Download and see how much easier it makes life!

RIGHT-click & “Save As” to Download Your Healing Goal-Crushing Calendar

Go ahead and fill in the MONTH at the top, and the first DATE on the left side. (Update: “Starting date” is the day AFTER your first live session.)

Then at the end of TRANSCEND℠, you’ll have insight into why you’ve made the level of progress you have–simply look to see how consistent you’ve been with your Healing Homework.


Calendar Tips and “How to”

(Update: “Ending Date” has been replaced with “Starting Date.” The Starting Date is the day AFTER that week’s live session.)

As you go throughout this process, it’s very common to start having vivid dreams. (Even if you don’t normally remember your dreams.) Logging your dreams for later analysis can prove invaluable to better connecting with your intuition. This is optional, but highly recommended.

I use Dream Catcher (for written, a.m. logging) and Pointo (for middle of the night audio logging, and VERY short written notes ONLY).

They’re both free. (I use Android. I wasn’t able to find the best free apps for iOS.)

To avoid disrupting your sleep, I suggest voice-recording your dream accounts in the middle of the night (i.e., on your visit to the bathroom).

To help you wake up (or at least when sleep disruption isn’t an issue), I suggest typing your dream in the morning, as you’re waking up.

It’s useful to be able to look back a month, a year, even a few years from now to review patterns of your dream themes. For that reason, I wouldn’t recommend doing *only* voice recording. (You may not be able to quickly visually scan your dream logs, if you do.) But of course, it’s up to you.

I absolutely do not recommend Pointo for written dream logging b/c you’ll lose your work if you click out of the window or change a setting on your entry while typing! ????

After testing numerous apps, Dream Catcher was the only dream logger I found that auto-saves… so even if the app crashes or I’m too sleepy to manually save, I’m covered.

Not to be redundant, but a few reminders in text:

  • I’m happy to spend extra time with you at the end of our session, if I have it to offer.
  • Remember billing for extra session time is automatic, billed in blocks per the Service Agreement. It’s billed within 24 hours to your credit card on file. (Please help us end each session on schedule, if you’d like to avoid that. 😊)
  • I’m always available for add-on sessions with you at the special session rate on your original invoice. Let me know anytime you’d like another session. ♥
  • Please remember that pre-work must always be completed before your next session is booked (or held).

Thanks for helping us both stay efficient, organized, and profitable. The more efficient we can stay, the more awesome I can be for YOU.

Your Weekly Pre-Work & Session Booking

Note: The pre-work for the following week should be started no sooner than the day AFTER your live session with me. (Ex: If we have a live session today, you should start next week’s pre-work tomorrow. Allow your body and brain time to absorb the info from our session, and try not to do too much at once.)

You should only ever schedule your next session if you’ve 1) completed and sent me the pre-work, and you’ve 2) sent it at least two full business days in advance of your session.