Week 3
Welcome back, Solo Roller:
In our upcoming live session, we’re going to get clear on your core values and top limiting beliefs.
These are often polar opposites (at first), yet both are immensely important to establish to be able to transcend the blocks and embedded traumas, long-term.
We’ll also continue doing the work to figure out your boiling and/or numbing points, and ways you may be starting to notice distress in your body.
I’ll continue to help you get familiar with your sabotage points to ultimately gain better control of your emotions and day.
On to the pre-work! ★
– Harmony
The work here sets the stage for our next session. The result of your efforts today will help CLARIFY and GUIDE your life and business decisions in every single moment. Please give it the focus it deserves! Allow approx. 1 hour to complete.
RIGHT-click and “Save As” to download both:
1. the Distress in Your Body GUIDED AUDIO
2. the Distress in Your Body HANDOUT
We did this “body scan” type exercise in session, to start you on getting more familiar with what intense emotions FEEL like physically. The goal is to increase your “felt sense” or interoception, so that you’re able to control your thoughts, emotions, behaviors… and consequently, your business day.
Please “check in” with your body in this way every weekday for the next week.
This pre-work is LITERALLY IMPERATIVE to prepare you for the next steps: rewiring and restructuring the nervous system.
In the beginning, it takes about 12 minutes.
I provide both the audio and handout, so you can choose the method that makes it easiest for you to get this completed daily. I suggest using the audio, at least the first few times, so you get used to giving your body time to respond to your gentle “inquiry” as you do the scan.
That way, you won’t rush through, telling yourself, “Nope, no tension there,” without allowing time for your body’s authentic response. Also, you can just feel from your senses, instead of using them to process data (read the sheet). We want a “clean read” to understand our body’s defaults. ♥
View this quick video to learn why your core values are CRUCIAL to establish ASAP. Then, download and complete the handout in the next step.
Please RIGHT-Click and “Save As” to download the below file for completion.
DOWNLOAD: What Are Your Core Values?
Remember: PLEASE ENSURE ALL HANDWRITING IS CLEARLY READABLE. (If not easily legible, I’ll have to send it back and ask you to resubmit. Thanks for helping me help you more efficiently.)
OPTIONAL: If you get stuck, listen to Tips to Narrow Down Core Values:
Approximate timestamps:
- 1:20: Don’t count; use intuition.
- 3:11: Define out loud in 10-15 secs, MAX.
- 5:44: Understanding “Destination” vs. “Journey Values”
- 8:28: Weighing the final shortlist… when you’re really stuck
View this quick video to learn how cyclical belief patterns short circuit our success. Then, download and complete the handout in the next step.
Please download and complete the below file.
RIGHT-Click and “Save As”: Download Your Distressed Thoughts Handout to Complete
Remember: PLEASE ENSURE ALL HANDWRITING IS CLEARLY READABLE. (If not easily legible, I’ll have to send it back and ask you to resubmit. Thanks for helping me help you more efficiently.)
Please submit your pre-work using the form below. (I ask for a completion time estimate just to be sure my projections are accurate against most renegades’ actual time spent.)
[DAPLessonComplete course_id=3 ][/DAPLessonComplete]
If you’d like, you can click above to complete this lesson now.
The below info, while highly recommended, is optional.
Additional Info
The resources mentioned in the videos:
Talk soon.
– Harmony