Week 4
Well, dear Transcender in Training… you’re almost halfway through.
Please take this week to continue your Healing Home Work and review anything you feel you should revisit.
We want to allow your nervous system time to assimilate all the info you’ve learned, and to continue making healing a part of your routine. We could slow your progress if we overwhelm you (increasing your stress response).
It’s very important to be more in-tune with your internal sensations as we start Session 5. So please continue recognizing Distress in Your Body.
This is also a perfect time to reflect on the intentions, goals, and priorities you set before you started TRANSCEND.
Rest well. ★
– Harmony
BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF, Renegade. It will ease your healing journey. 😊
Rest Week To-Dos:
IMPORTANT: If we just had our live session yesterday, please take a few days of reflection before completing this survey.
The survey is designed to do next week–in place of your live session.
Then, you’ll complete your Week 5 pre-work the day after that.
Why? This is truly a week of rest and reflection. It’s best to take time to assimilate everything you’ve learned, review docs and videos from Weeks 1 to 3, and just get used to the tools you’re using.
So, please STOP here for today, and set yourself a reminder now to come back here in a few days.
Has it been a few days?
Great! Please submit your Reflection Survey below. We’ll use it to gauge how to refine focus for the second half of your program.
Did you notice there’s no Week 4 scheduling link in the Course Outline?
That’s because you’re reviewing and reflecting instead of meeting with me this week.Â
But still contact me with questions and celebrations, if you have any to share!
You’ll book your next live session when you return to submit the Week 5 pre-work. :}