Week 5
Welcome back, Transcender in Training:
The upcoming session is packed. You’ll gain clarity on how your “ACE load” has ruled your behavior, thoughts, emotions up ’til now.
You’ll also get CRYSTAL CLEAR on your most up-to-date, authentic priorities… so you can use them to intuit your here-and-now purpose, and connect it to your cash flow. (Everyone who does this exercise has been massively enlightened.)
Then, we’ll do Stage 1 of building your “ACE in the hole” for handling the toughest situations in business and life. (Just as it sounds, that is, indeed, a GREAT thing.)
Finally, you’ll do your first BUE (bottom-up exercise) to start rewiring and restructuring your brain for lasting change. Exciting, right?
On to the pre-work! 😊★
– Harmony
The work here sets the stage for our next session. Please allow 30 to 60 minutes to complete.
View the first 8 minutes & 9 seconds of this video to learn How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime, from the first Surgeon General of California, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. (The video should stop on its own after 8m & 9s.)
Then, please download and complete the brief assessment in the next step.
You’re completing the ACEs assessment below to understand whether you’ve had any ACEs, to explain your behavior as an adult.
The more we have, the greater the impacts on our brain, body, and behavior–as adults.
It’s important to note that what constitutes an ACE was expanded since this initial survey. ACEs can now refer to things like natural disasters (earthquake, fire, hurricane, etc.), financial hardship, discrimination or racism [toward marginalized communities], chronic bullying, etc.
So your ACE dose may be low on this survey, but higher in real-life.
This assessment is not meant to discourage you in any way.
It’s to confirm the physiological reasons for the challenges you’ve been facing. If you’d like to, feel free to skip it.
To download and complete, for your private knowledge:
RIGHT-Click and “Save As”: Download ACEs Assessment to Complete
I won’t ask you to upload the actual assessment this week.
If you choose to share it, I’m certainly open to viewing it respectfully, with compassion and discretion. But it’s in no way required or even requested.
Instead, simply record and report your ACE SCORE in the “Anything else you’d like to share?” field on this week’s submission form.
View the quick videos below to learn why we use body-based, bottom-up exercises to rewire & restructure the brain, and also how to perform your very first bottom-up activity, “Empower Breath.”Â
The videos are only about 16m total.
As always, I recommend getting cleared by your physician before attempting Empower Breath, particularly if pregnant or you have a medical condition. It also should be avoided if you’re prone to panic attacks.
Why Are Body-Based, Bottom-Up Exercises Important?
Empower PRE-REQUISITES: Diaphragmatic + Ujayii Breathing Instruction
Empower Breath: Contraindications, Healing Purpose, & Instructional
Empower Breath: DEMO (Follow-Along)
The Bottom Line
A.C.E.s (and adult chronic stress) change the physical structure of our brain. These structural changes result in functional changes — in our psychological and emotional wellbeing, and also our health.
We need to counteract those changes to perform well enough to consistently take growth-focused action. We do that by building activity in brain areas that A.C.E.s and chronic stress make underactive. And by reducing activity in overactive brain areas (the fear/anxiety center [amygdala]).
When we do these, our performance improves on a consistent basis, and we have better control over our behavior.
In addition, identifying the top priorities in your life today will help you have greater clarity in your decision-making. You’ll be able to make tough decisions with greater ease when you know they’re supported by your authentic priorities.
Please submit your pre-work using the form below. (I ask for a completion time estimate just to be sure my projections are accurate against most renegades’ actual time spent.)
Remember: I only ask you to share your ACEs score for our discussion. You don’t need to upload/submit your entire assessment with your pre-work this week.
[DAPLessonComplete course_id=3 ][/DAPLessonComplete]
If you’d like, you can click above to complete this lesson now.
The below info, while highly recommended, is optional.
Additional Info
The resources mentioned in the pre-work, all optional to download/use/read (as always):
About Social Determinants of Health [CDC]
Adverse Childhood Experiences [CDC]
PLAYLIST: “Why Can’t I Perform?” Basic Brain Function for Entrepreneurs
RIGHT-Click and “Save As”: Download Change the Brain Bottom-Up Handout
RIGHT-Click and “Save As”: Download Diaphragmatic, Ocean-Ujayii, & Power Breath Handouts
What research shows for this session’s BUE:
- Improved concentration (Shavanani & Udupa, 2003)
- Increased energy (Veerabhadrappa et al., 2011)
- Increased oxygen intake (Couser, Martinez, & Celli, 1992)
- Reduced stress response (Veerabhadrappa et al., 2011)
- Reduced stress and anxiety (Fried, 1993; Rowe, 1999; Wehrenberg, 2008)
- Increased quality of life (Hagman et al., 2011)
- Reduced blood pressure (Russell, 2014)
- Improved self-regulation (Russell, 2014)
- Reduced inflammation (Rosas-Ballina et al., 2011)
Talk soon.
– Harmony