Week 8
Hello, Free Thinker:
The time has come to prepare you for your final session in TRANSCEND. It will be a great one. ♥
We’ll go over your progress from Week 1 to now, to note how you’ve grown, changed, and become more resilient and purposeful. Together, we’ll earmark any areas that could become sabotage points, and discuss a plan to keep them at bay.
Then, we’ll create a specific action plan to give you a BOOST on your way forward.
Then, if time allows, you’ll learn one final BUE to complete your initial healing arsenal. And we’ll set proverbial fire to the most restrictive beliefs that have limited your beautiful growth and progress up ’til now.
I can’t wait.
– Harmony
The work here sets the stage for the last hurrah! Please allow approx. 30 minutes to complete. ♥
Here is your last Session Pre-Work below. It prepares you for our 1-on-1 time together.
These worksheets give both you and I a little insight into exactly how far you’ve come, and any potential potholes to look out for.
Please complete both sheets below.
Completing these also gauges your readiness for the second healing phase of this program, TRANSFORMâ„ . It helps us know how to address your most up-to-date needs, should you choose to enroll–or should you choose to continue working together off-program.
PLEASE ENSURE ALL HANDWRITING IS CLEARLY READABLE. (If not easily legible, I’ll have to send it back and ask you to resubmit. Thanks for helping me help you more efficiently.)
- RIGHT-Click and “Save As”: Download Unveiling Your Unmet Needs
- RIGHT-Click and “Save As”: Download Scoring Emotional Regulation
Upload these completed sheets in Step 3.
Think about your “distress thermometer” that we created for you in Week 1, that helped you understand your range of tolerance. Has your level or distress OR of numbing improved for any items you recorded?
Initially, Transcender #11 gave “Driving” a score of 60 degrees on the Distress Thermometer, meaning she experienced a mild level of distress when doing it.
Now, she realizes she’s mildly relaxed while driving, and can rate it at 40 degrees.
She puts public speaking at 60 degrees now. (Public speaking was previously a 90!)
CONSIDER: What “temperature” changes have you noted in the “distress thermometer” levels you set in Week 1?
Please enter the answer to the above in the “Anything else you’d like to share?” field when submitting Pre-Work in Step 3.
Please submit your pre-work using the form below.
This week, you’ll need to attach your newly completed 1. Unveiling Your Unmet Needs and 2. Scoring Emotional Regulation.
Also, remember to answer 3. What “temperature” changes have you noticed in the “distress thermometer” levels you set in Week 1? in the “Anything else?” field below.
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If you’d like, you can click above to complete this lesson now.
The below info, while highly recommended, is optional.