The Emotion Code is one of the fastest, most effective ways I’ve found in years to release what’s causing my career blocks.

It’s one of several energy modalities used at Energetic Harmony. This one helps the practitioner connect to your energy field to find and release trapped emotions.

If you’re unsure about all that, you might first want to read, What is a “Trapped Emotion” and How Does it Get Trapped?

If you’re good on that, then here’s the lowdown on how (our) Emotion Code sessions work:

Are Emotion Code Sessions Live?

We can do them by email, phone, or Zoom. If you prefer a live vibe but want the convenience or privacy of a non-live session, we can use voice notes over email.

For phone or Zoom, you can schedule here. For email, just reach out, and we’ll hook you up with a payment link.

I don’t hold in-person Emotion Code sessions at this time (except for friends and family). This allows me to help more people, more efficiently, and keep costs affordable. (For 20 years, my businesses have primarily been online-only, and I love working that way.)

Starting Your Session

The Emotion Code process needs your first name, last initial, and age. But honestly, I don’t think your full name is necessary if you want to stay anonymous.

I’ve used clients’ nicknames before. So as long as it’s a name you vibe with, an alias is cool. Your age is important because it helps pinpoint when an emotion got stuck, and we’ll chat more about why that matters below.

What Sorts of “Issues” Can You Work On?

I don’t like to call what we’re dealing with “issues.” It just cutely rhymed with our slogan. 🤷🏾‍♀️

For sake of being fair and forgiving with ourselves, in real life, I simply call these as they are: challenges.

During the session, you can share up to three challenges you want me to tackle. These could be emotional, physical, or anything else. For instance, I’ve done relationship-related, work, sleep, motivation, self-confidence, self-worth, and numerous others. The sky really is the limit.

For example, others have focused on overwhelming thoughts about a child they lost, sleep issues (waking a lot, unable to return to sleep), their own toxic behavior in relationships, hip pain, pelvic abnormalities, etc. You don’t have to go into detail; one-word responses work as long as you know what you mean.

Holding Your Emotion Code Session

You’ll rate each challenge from 0 to 10 in severity, with 0 being no issue and 10 being severe.

If I’m providing the service live, there will be several periods of silence as I’m (internally) asking questions and sensing the answers. I’m also taking notes on what I find, so I don’t forget later when it’s time to share with you.

I’ll help release as many trapped emotions as possible, usually between 5 and 10. I may report little bits about them here and there, and try to answer any questions you have about it. This helps you zero in on what’s happening during certain releases.

You generally don’t feel much of anything. Unlike other energy modalities like reiki, the Emotion Code doesn’t really seem to work like that. But oh, after the session … you may very soon start to notice how much you’ve changed.

Balancing Insights with Privacy and Feeling Safe

Just identifying the trapped energies often releases them, but sometimes your subconscious needs more info. I usually start by asking about the age it got trapped.

If that’s not enough, I’ll ask about the area of life it’s related to, like work, relationships, health, etc. But I only ask what’s necessary for the process.

If you have follow-up questions on what’s released, I’m happy to dig a bit deeper if it’s important to you. (Live, if we’re live. Or in your next session, if we’re not.)

Just know that Emotion Code isn’t about uncovering hidden trauma or making decisions. It’s just about releasing trapped emotions causing challenges in your life, relationships, and work.

What Does “Processing Emotions” with Emotion Code Feel Like?

With Emotion Code, it’s important to note that we usually release between 5 and 10 emotions in a session. Any more than that, and your body might have felt overwhelmed.

Think about it:

How could you process 24 different emotions at once? Even 10 sounds like a lot, right?

So Emotion Code helps you release enough to make a significant change, but not so many that your body gets overwhelmed.

Of note, it’s not me or your conscious self deciding this. It’s your energetic, higher self — your subconscious mind that knows what’s best for you. Whether you view it as your connection to Source, to God, to the Universe… the point is, it’s that infinite wisdom that we’re asking and trusting to know how many emotions to release in a session.

The very last question I ask at the end of a session is when you’ll be ready to do another session. Later that day, tomorrow, etc.? Whatever date it gives is the soonest that your body will be ready for more releases.

Note: Trying to release more before that would be pointless and a waste of time — and money, if you’re paying for sessions. We want to respect that timing.

Of course, you don’t have to do your next session on that exact date; it’s just the soonest you can have it.

What to Expect After Your Emotion Code Session

After a session, your body needs time to process, which usually takes a couple of days. During this time, you might experience physical, energetic, or emotional responses that feel weird or uncomfortable.

It’s like when you take medicine to flush something out, and you start coughing up all this yucky shit. 😰It’s unpleasant, but it’s part of the process to feel better and breathe freely instead of feeling eternally congested. Make sense?

The same thing happens with energy medicine and the Emotion Code.

So, if you feel super irritable or emotional after a session, it might just be the processing. It usually goes away in a day or two, and you’ll feel refreshed.

Immediately after I’m done, I’ll send you my notes, including the emotions released, at what age, and any other relevant info. I’ll also ask you to re-rate the severity of your challenges same-day — but no later than within 24 hours. (This is important for your tracking, and to get an accurate post-session reading.)

You might notice improvements right away, like reduced pain symptoms. While other, more abstract things, like work motivation, might take time to notice.

What Changes Will I Notice and When?

You might notice some types of changes right away, for instance in pain symptoms. But some things, like work motivation, might take time. ​

For instance, if it’s not a workday, you might not notice changes until it is. On the other hand, you might notice that you’re already thinking differently about work, so severity is noticeably less. (Ex: Maybe you’re a bit more excited to go, where you used to dread it!)

In either case, you also might not notice anything at all right away. That’s also perfectly normal.

After the session, drink plenty of water and listen to your body. If you feel like resting, working out, eating certain foods, or avoiding others, trust your intuition. You’ll feel better.

Got questions? Comment below. We’re here to help you release the stress from your tissues to prevent career issues.