This beautiful and uplifting story comes from a client who didn’t even come to me for this issue.

He struggled for 40 years with debilitating seasonal allergies/hayfever,
that prevented him from functioning outside,
caused severe exhaustion, minutes-long, constant sneezing fits,
persistent runny nose, bleeding sinuses,
and more.

After a few months of reiki sessions (a combination of ReikiIntensive, ReikiComplete, and ReikiBoost, and a few specialty reiki services — again, for unrelated challenges!), he reports:

This client continues to improve! ❤  We don’t know that it actually took months to achieve this result; it just wasn’t springtime yet, to notice the changes. ;}

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“I ate ribs two days after my [dental surgery] with NO discomfort or pain!”

“Before my reiki session, stress was high (3/5). I had a test and presentation the next day for my new job. I couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen and what I would do if I didn’t pass. I told Harmony I wanted to feel ‘totally and completely confident and capable.’

I felt like I was floating during the treatment. Afterward I felt energized, even though I had been really tired all day. And the next day at work, I did feel calm, relaxed, and confident all day, even though I forgot some things in my presentation.

This was really a HUGE change for me. Every other day since I started, I had been feeling on edge, pretty negative, and stressed.

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This was a client who had new adductor pain, that seemed to be a muscle strain, which he’d experience every time he’d work a double shift.

After one ReikiBoost session, he told me this story:

“Felt a big sense of relaxation, EASE, and well-being over my 3rd eye (forehead). Felt a STRONG sense of RELIEF over my heart. I was considerably tired at the start of this session (it was very late!), but I felt really AWAKE after treatment of my head and neck.
When I woke up the next day, I felt really good, harmonious, and peaceful. Was really focused, going to work out faster than usual. Usually I sit around for nearly an hour before I feel like getting going.
I was also a lot more motivated to care for my body, doing a full stretching session even before working out!”
“The pains I have are usually more top-of-mind as I move through life, but I didn’t even notice them today until you asked. :-)”
(After ReikiIntensive session #2. ~H)

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One client had trouble sleeping, both falling asleep and staying asleep.
After her first ReikiIntensive session, she reported the following:

With ongoing reiki treatments, now from once weekly to once monthly,
this client has continued to sleep well. ❤

As soon as we got on the phone, I started warming up.”
(I hadn’t even initiated the reiki treatment for this client w/coldness issues yet! ~Harmony)
“The session was very relaxing and Harmony made me feel very comfortable. I wasn’t in any noticeable pain before the session.
I’ve had more energy and mental clarity after my reiki session and during my days since. I also feel like its easier to stay in a positive state of mind. 10/10.”

This dear client struggles with depressive and intrusive thoughts, deep grief, and addiction.
After a few reiki sessions (a combination of ReikiIntensive, ReikiComplete, and ReikiBoost), she reports:

With ongoing treatments, now from once weekly to once monthly, she finds her overall mentality more and more positive and calm, and she’s better able to self-regulate and redirect her thoughts. ❤

Interested to Work with Me?

…or book a FREE Find Your Focus call to get custom wellness recommendations.